Per accedere alla nostra cantina ed alla nostra sala degustazioni sarà necessario prendere visione obbligatoriamente dell’INFORMATIVA CLIENTI in relazione al COVID19.
To access our cellar and our tasting room it will be necessary to view the CUSTOMER INFORMATION in relation to the COVID19.
Der Besuch unserer Weinkellerei und unseres Degustationssaals setzt voraus, dass die KUNDENINFORMATIONEN zu COVID-19 zur Kenntnis genommen wurden.
6 bottles box
Not sure which wine to choose? Or do you want to order just the one you prefer? With our personalized package you can order 6 bottles of your choice among our proposals.
It is possible to compose and order up to a maximum of 3 custom packs!
Product customization
Don't forget to save your customization to be able to add to cart
In case of bad weather we have ready solutions to protect your purchase or refund you
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prices are expressed including taxes
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